Mudra therapy or mudra chikitsa is an ancient therapy. It originated in India several thousand years ago.Indian Rishis used to perform this hand mudra to remain healthy.

Mudra therapy was designed keeping in mind basic principles of naturopathy. Hands are one of the most important organs of our body. Regularly different types of magnetic waves are emitted from our body. By pressing different fingers of both hands, we can regulate the magnetic waves and balance five basic elements in our body. By using this technique in our daily life we can control disease and remain healthy.

Following are some Mudras:

  1. Gyan Mudra (Gyan – Knowledge): This mudra increase mental power and sharpens memory.
  2.  Aakash Mudra (Aakash – Sky):  This mudra is beneficial for heart and ear problems. It also strengthens our bones. 
  3. Pruthavi Mudra (Pruthavi – Earth): This mudra increases brightness and weight of our body. Regular practice brings a glow on our face.
  4. Varun Mudra (Varun – Water): It cleanses the impure blood in our body. It removes dryness of the body.
  5. Shunya Mudra: This mudra is beneficial for ear diseases.
  6. Vayu Mudra (Vayu – Air): This mudra is beneficial in Vayu disorders like sciatica, paralysis, spondylisis and removes stiffness of the neck.
  7. Surya Mudra (Surya – Sun): This mudra decreases weight and is beneficial in hypertension.
  8. Pran Mudra (Pran – Life): This mudra increases resistance power of our body.
  9. Apan Mudra (Apan – Bad elements): By regular practice of this mudra, body becomes soft. All the waste matters is removed from the body.

All this exercises take about 45 – 60 minutes to complete. After fortnight one may continue to visit centre regularly or may continue the exercises as taught here, at home perfectly and may visit the centre at least once a week.